Wednesday, October 05, 2005

why I wouldn't be a Christian 1

I realize there are many reasons why someone would choose not to examine becoming a Christian and living the life of Jesus. I am going to post on several.

  • Faith in Jesus is a relationship more than a worldview. Personally, I don’t spend as much time dealing with core teachings of the Christian faith and figuring out how to filter my “thoughts, words, and deeds” through those teachings, as I do simply connecting to Jesus through prayer, reading the Bible, and thinking about him, and responding out of that relationship.

    If someone doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus like this, you don’t get motivated simply by the teachings. Jesus offers the means to come to him, but you have to be open to seeking him. It is like playing a computer game and needing certain keys to get to the next level. To get to the level of faith there is the primary key of openness to discovering Jesus. There is no shortcut. There is no “cheat codes” book you can use.
  • The world of media and entertainment doesn’t know Jesus that well. The percentage of journalists and entertainment industry executives, directors, writers, and so forth that live an active faith life is miniscule. In the 1990’s I remember seeing a statistic of less than 5% for journalists and reporters.Can you see where this is challenging? The perception of what it means to be a Christian, or what following Jesus is like, is given most to society by people who are the least likely to understand what they are talking about.

    Christians can attempt to give a more informative view of our faith, but a public already weaned on a picture developed by the media and entertainment industry makes it less likely that a non-Christian will even pay attention. A good illustration of this is Jerry Falwell. Let’s do some math.

    There are about 280 million people in the United States, of which 80%, or 224 million, would identify themselves as Christian. Out of that, those who are actively involved in a Christian church make up about 30%. That is roughly 70 million active Christians. So, if the media wanted to give a picture of a Christian, or interview a Christian about what he/she thinks about an issue, you would have 66,999,999 people to choose from. Yet, Jerry Falwell gets the nod, more often than not.

    More tomorrow.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."