Wednesday, November 30, 2011

God is for Everyone!- podcast

The "third Pentecost" as the Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit. A sermon based on Acts 10:9-48.

God_is_for_Everyone-_podcast.m4a Listen on Posterous

He Knows Your Name- Podcast

God is not far from those who seek him. A sermon based on Acts 10:1-8.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

You Shall Not Pass!!


Oh, we watch skinned knees and broken hearts from a bit of distance. It hurts us to the core to see our precious sons and daughters suffer, but we realize there are times it is part of growing in character and confidence that we allow them to stretch in their lives and relationships. But, when it comes to our children's souls, the core of who they are, a father protects his sons and daughters from all evil. Whatever threatens their very souls, the core of who they are, a loving father stands like Gandolf, and cries out,

"You shall not pass!"

This is not just the role of dad.

Any man worth his Y chromosomes is going to be father protector in the extened family.

Older brother.



And any man who is given the privilege of spending time in a father's role in someone else's son's or daughter's life, the echo against evil remains.

"You shall not pass!"






"Deliver us from evil."

Any man worth being called a man, answers to the call:


Evil? Horror?

"You shall not pass!"

My fingers are burning right now. I don't want to short out your screens while you are reading this, so I will finish.



These are our sons and daughters...


evil one...

and those who would follow your vile touch on their own lives...

...In the name of God,


Practical Actions on Living the Life- podcast

How does the model of Jesus inform my actions?

Confirmation Sunday 2011

Live_the_Life.m4a Listen on Posterous

Friday, November 04, 2011

Where's Dad??

Sharing your faith with your son is not complicated. It doesn't take huge quantities of time. Sharing your faith with your son is about frequency and consistency. 

Even before we begin with the process, however, we need to understand a huge error in thinking for many fathers, that is based on the poor teaching and modeling they received, in particular in American culture. It's kind of like our dirty little secret. Here is the formula.

Spiritual= Women

Let me be more specific and say fathers in American society who identify as "Christian," fall into this trap all the time. These dads (you, who are reading this right now, may be one of them ) pray, pray at meals, acknowledge faith in Jesus, may participate in some faith practices at home, and may occasionally attend church activities. Yet, even among these dads, nurturing the faith of their children is considered mom's responsibility. 

If there are any faith practices in the home they are almost always initiated and led my mom. Bedtime prayers- mom-led. On the rare occasion that children are brought to church activities (4% of people in their 20's/ 15% of people in their 30's are regularly connected to faith communities, today in America), they are most often brought by their mothers alone. 

If you are an active part of a Christian community you have seen "spiritual widows"- women who are active in a church community without their husbands, carrying out their faith nurturing role alone. On the one hand, you admire their efforts, on the other, you ask yourself, "Where's dad?"

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Getting Ready to Change the World- podcast

Paul's preparation.m4a Listen on Posterous

Paul is one of the greatest figures in world history whose influence transformed the globe. How did he begin the process? A sermon based on Acts 9.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."