Thursday, October 27, 2005

response 12

  • There is so much hatred done in the world in the name of religion. Christianity is no different. Why should I follow any religion that divides people into two groups: those who are in and those who are out? We would be much better off if we all just thought for ourselves. Go with your heart and realize everyone has part of the truth.

There are only two questions you ask of a faith if you are judging it’s comparison to reality and its ethical content.  

  1. By what authority?

  2. Who is the model?

For example, Islam is to be judged by what the Q’uran says and the model of Muhammad. Muslims are instructed from the Q’uran and called to follow the model of Muhammed. If you want to understand Islam, read the Q’uran and study the history of Muhammed’s life.  

In the Christian faith the authority is the Bible and the model is Jesus. Any actions someone who calls himself a “Christian” takes, must follow these two criteria.

There is no hatred in Christian doctrine or the model of Jesus for people who disagree with the message. A faith and leader who says “Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you” isn’t likely to provoke strong action against someone who doesn’t share your faith. Not if you follow Jesus and scripture.  

Only those who follow Jesus are Christian. What is done in the “name of Jesus,” is only valid if it follows scripture and his model. When it comes to dividing people into whose in and whose out, this is God’s domain. Christians are to love all people no matter what. When we share the good news of Jesus and it is rejected we are called to keep loving, but move on to others who may be more receptive with our message of hope.

As far as following your own heart goes, I have seen people who live responding to their own human nature. It can get awfully ugly. I am going to bet on Jesus and the Bible every time.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."