Monday, October 17, 2005

response to why I wouldn't be a Christian 4

Another response to reasons people give for not being a Christian.

  • I don’t want to appear politically incorrect. How can I say Jesus is the way to salvation when there are so many other good people who don’t believe this? It is easier for me to just not deal with the whole “Jesus saves” thing and have a salad bar instead.I can have a little Jesus, a little Buddhism, maybe some Hinduism on the side. I can make sure I keep my no-God options open with some statements about Darwinian evolution mechanisms. If I can get a pair of Vans custom made, why not religion?The great thing about this potpourri is I don’t have anyone calling me into question. I am on my own. There is nothing better in an independent culture like ours.

You can’t actually follow Jesus and follow other religious practices. There are basics that contradict.  

Either there is a God or there is not. There goes many forms of Buddhism which have no God at all.

Either Jesus is God or he is not. There goes Hinduism with its endless lineup of gods, and Islam which says it is blasphemy to say, “Jesus is God.”  

Either we are restored in our relationship to God through Jesus or we are not. There goes Judaism where we are restored through the law and Jesus is not the Messiah.

Either God created the universe or not. There goes Darwinian evolution which has no working model for the origin of the universe or the origin of life, but either says, “We just don’t know, yet,” or posits unsupported philosophies about these basic foundations.

The list goes on. If I say, “Jesus is the way,” and you say, “Jesus is not the way,” then the issue is not sensitivity, it is making competing truth claims. Either Jesus is God or he is not. I can’t pretend that he isn’t. I can just invite you to honestly examine the evidence along with me.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."