Thursday, October 13, 2005

responses to why I wouldn't be a Christian 2

Another response to why someone would not be a Christian.

  • The world of media and entertainment doesn’t know Jesus that well. The percentage of journalists and entertainment industry executives, directors, writers, and so forth that live an active faith life is miniscule. In the 1990’s I remember seeing a statistic of less than 5% for journalists and reporters.Can you see where this is challenging? The perception of what it means to be a Christian, or what following Jesus is like, is given most to society by people who are the least likely to understand what they are talking about….
On this reason, you have one thing going for you. Any reasonable person is going to be aware that there is an overall bias about the Christian faith in the media anyway. Looking for the sensational is a normal and necessary ploy to gain readership/ viewership. The overwhelming and continuing response of Christians to help those in need in the Gulf region after the hurricanes could fill newscasts every night, but that is not as interesting as scandal.

It is not the media’s business to promote the Christian faith, anyway. We are to carry the message of Jesus. That’s what we can focus on. What Christians are doing or not doing as portrayed in news, TV, and film can be a great starting off point for a conversation about what Jesus actually does teach.

For instance, the book The Da Vinci Code is simply making stuff up about the Bible and how it was compiled. This is actually a good thing. It has done more to cause people to study how overwhelming the evidence is for the accuracy of the Bible than anything I can imagine. When people started questioning the validity of The Da Vinci Code they began to read church history and found out how the Bible was really put together. I dare say that most Christians would not be taking a lot of church history or history of the scriptures courses, but they would read articles about the actual evidence of the Bible. Thank you, Dan Brown.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."