Saturday, January 22, 2005

what about people who have never heard about Jesus?

When talking about trusting Jesus and hell, it doesn’t seem much of a choice to accept or reject Jesus for the people who have never heard of him. This could be people growing up in remote areas of the world. Also, a person may never hear the true Christian viewpoint about Jesus in a strict Muslim-influenced environment like Saudi Arabia, or, as in the recent past, a strict communist government like Albania, for example.

So, if you have never heard of him, or you have never heard the true Christian message, how do you have a choice to love Jesus and trust in him?

The Bible (Romans 2) says if you have never heard of him, God will examine your life based on your response to the God-given conscience he has placed within you. The Christian claim is everyone has the ability to tell right from wrong without knowing Jesus and his ways. God judges by how you respond.

This all makes sense. It gets a little confusing when you consider someone who has been exposed to the message of Jesus, but in a false way. I wonder about children brought up to believe in a Jesus who isn’t the Jesus whose story is told in the Bible? As they grow older, if they are truly seeking they will learn the truth. You can think of a lot of possible scenarios on this topic of what about people who have never heard the gospel story, either literally, or the real story. Ultimately, I am just glad I know Jesus and it causes me to want to make sure I get the message of Jesus as recorded in the Bible to many others.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."