Friday, January 07, 2005

LA Times, I am still waiting

Well, it’s been almost a month since Antony Flew, world’s most prominent atheist, announced he was a believer in God. As has been said, the equivalent of Billy Graham announcing he has become a Buddhist. I have already posted on the lack of response by the media. As of today, my own local paper, The LA Times, has never mentioned it at all! Well, my hunch is the name Antony Flew will not go away. His “conversion” (remember, he is only talking “god” here, not God of the Bible) was based in a large part in examining the evidence of design in nature. His claim that the evidence for intelligent design is compelling will make for a huge shift in the intelligent design/ Darwinian evolution rhetoric. Every time I read or hear from a Darwinian evolutionist, they use the common litany that intelligent design is simply “creationists masking their religious views in scientific language.”

No longer will they be able to say this with much energy. I don’t doubt we will continue to hear this logical fallacy of the “straw man” variety (straw man- find the most extreme example related to your opponents view and then attack that example as if your opponent believes it). Oh, there have been many atheist and agnostist proponents of intelligent design out there. But, we are now talking about Atheist #1. Pretty difficult to spin that Flew is trying to get Christianity taught in our schools under the guise of intelligent design.

We shall see...

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."