Friday, January 28, 2005

how could a loving God allow natural disasters?

Looking at the devastation of the recent earthquake and resulting tsunami, how could a loving God allow this to happen?

Great question. First a practical response. Without major plate tectonics (earthquakes and such), we would not be here. We need the land mass it generates, the changes in the atmosphere it causes to protect us from the growing brightness of the sun, and the nutrients that are circulated. Without plate tectonics we would have a sterile planet. Also, when the earliest life formed on earth about 3.8 billion years ago, there were five times as many major quakes. With the God of creation, one can say he is so benevolent to wait so long before introducing humans to planet earth when the tectonic activity had settled down.

From a human perspective, two things come to mind. First, we live where we live. There are four of these major earthquakes and resulting tsunami’s every century, on average. Educating your populace is a government’s responsibility. Along this same line, God already “instituted” an early warning system with tsunamis. A full 20 minutes before a tsunami hits, the ocean’s waters recede extremely further than any tide cycle. This is why shell fish, coral, and live fish were exposed to an extent not witnessed before by the people affected. Many of the dead were simply trying to reap this “miraculous” harvest, or were overcome by their own curiosity. This is why animals, without the creativity and imagination of humans, were much less likely to die.

Natural disasters are awful tragedies, and our prayers and our aid go out to our fellow humans. God certainly knows suffering and is there with those who suffer. This is also another opportunity for us to realize how fragile and brief our lives are in this created world. We look forward to the days that will have no end in the new creation where we will live safely and joyfully with Jesus forever. Now, we reach out and invite others to trust in Jesus and experience his presence now and forever, as well.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."