Thursday, January 06, 2005

human tsunami's

There is an outpouring of response for the tsunami victims, and rightly so. A natural disaster where 120,000 have died and perhaps another 120,000 will die of disease in the aftermath is worthy of the world’s attention. Our prayers and support go out to these parts of the world.

And then there is the Sudan.

An Arab Islamist government has “quietly” murdered or starved a couple of million Christians and other non-Muslims in the last 20 years and we hear nary a peep. Last year the government became an “equal opportunity” demonic power and began killing fellow Muslims in the Dafur region at the pace of 70,000 in the last several months.

What is the moral of this situation? First of all, news is news. A Google news search, “Dafur,” results in 72 mentions. “Tsunami,” 120,000. Second, plate tectonics and the unleashing of such devastation on a natural level is cause of great international concern and response. But the “tsunami’s” of the human variety of religious bigotry, racism (the Muslims of Dafur just happen to be black), and bloodlust, well, this warrants some concern, meager response, and quite frankly, business as usual.
And I haven’t even mentioned the lack of international response for the AID’s crisis in sub-Sahara Africa… (6,600 dead a day in 2004!).

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."