Thursday, January 20, 2005

innocent suffering

There are two types of questions from those who are not Christian. How can there be a God and how can you trust in the God of the Bible? Usually something along the line of, “How can there be a God when…?” Or “How can you trust in a loving God who…?”

How can you trust in a loving God when children suffer?

The answer from yesterday’s posting is a good response here. The suffering of children in war time, poverty, hunger, and abuse, are all somehow connected to human sin. Parent’s lifestyle choices, government corruption, governments that oppress their own people, and unjust business practices all come to mind.

I also like to introduce another topic when this question is asked, when it seems appropriate. I ask why it seems so much worse when children suffer. Usually it is the innocence of the suffering that is mentioned. Then I might say,

“Who is the most powerless and innocent human being in the world? What human has absolutely no voice in his/her suffering?”

The answer, of course, is the developing human being in his/her mother’s womb. The planned death of almost 1.5 million or so humans a year in the US alone. This is innocent suffering at it’s core, and it is a powerful way to address human choice in the suffering. No matter what the mother’s circumstances, no matter if it is a necessary tragic option (mother’s life is in danger, for instance), taking the life of a purely innocent and powerless human being may bring a more pertinent question from God.


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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."