Tuesday, January 11, 2005

considering Jesus

When we reach out to potential disciples of Jesus, there are some basics to consider. I will post on several this week. For instance…

According to research, most people have acquired their morals values and the faith they will hold by the age of 13. Afterward, learning and growing in their beliefs is primarily reinforcement. So, when you are reaching out to adults with the good news of Jesus, from a human standpoint, good luck. No amount of persuasion, argument, challenge, any other “method” is going to make much of a dent. It is not common for an adult to come to trust in the Lord for the first time.

So, what is the use? Well, let’s wait a minute. There are many possibilities that make it more likely someone is receptive. Here are a few.

We know the Holy Spirit has been drawing the other person to Jesus anyway he can. Always without forcing love, but ready for an open heart seeking. If someone is truly seeking, eventually they will come to Jesus. That’s the way he set it up.

There are times in life, especially crisis or uncertainty, where someone is less likely to accept his/her own status quo and be more willing to consider the possibility of trust in Jesus. These are the times when we may ask questions of meaning and purpose to who we are and why we are here. Soul searching time is ripe for Jesus to break through.

Friends trust friends. If you are in relationship with potential disciples of Jesus, they will have the opportunity to see him at work through you. Why would they be influenced? I’ll look at that tomorrow.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."