Saturday, January 01, 2005

getting excited

I was reading the story of the woman at the well from John 4. After meeting Jesus she got so excited she dropped everything she was doing and ran into town to tell everyone about Jesus.

Boniface is one of my favorite Christian missionaries. He gives up the life of a noble in 8th century England and goes to the wild woods of Germany. There he found people worshipping the Norse Gods such as Odin and Thor. Boniface stayed and brought the good news. He was so excited to tell everyone about Jesus.

Christians have the greatest mission in the galaxies. To tell of the love of Jesus for all people. This love is received purely as a gift. It is not dependant on human effort or ability. Instead of humans relying on their efforts to obtain the favor of God, Christianity teaches God is pleased with humans already and gives them his love freely. He breaks into our history as Jesus and lets us know himself.

Now, that’s something worth getting excited about.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."