Tuesday, January 04, 2005

eastern religion

I visited the Norton Simon Museum yesterday with Kristina. Daddy/daughter day choice, as it were. It has such a rich and varied collection in such a small space. I am a painting guy myself and the Rembrant’s, Degas’, Van Gogh’s, and such were fascinating, as usual. But we made a special trip downstairs to see the South Asia exhibit. One of the most extensive collections from this region anywhere in the world.

With only a couple of exceptions, it was all religious art. Hinduism, Buddhism, and a little bit of Jainism thrown in. So I am looking at a statue of Ganesh, the elephant/man from about 100 B.C. This is one of the most popular Hindu gods. Here is what I am thinking.

It always strikes me as inaccurate to call Christianity a “Western” religion. Yes, the “West” has come to dominate world culture in some ways and Christianity is the religion most practiced. But Christianity and the faith it grew out of, Judaism, are “Eastern” religions. Born in and bred in the Middle East. Our Holy Scriptures written by people of an “Eastern” mindset. So, when someone says to me, “I’m into Eastern religions,” I reply, “I’m into an Eastern religion, too. Christianity.”

More on this tomorrow.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."