Monday, January 24, 2005

what about “good” people of other worldviews, including atheists?

Again, God will do exactly what is right. Whenever someone says, “What about good people who don’t trust in Jesus?” Won’t they be in heaven, too?”

First, if they have never heard of Jesus or the Gospel, then that is exactly what they will be judged on. How they responded to their God-given conscience. But if you are talking about someone who has heard of Jesus and rejects him as God, then it is a different story.

Moral behavior is one thing, trust in Jesus is another. God is not asking, “Did you behave, well?” He is asking, “Did you trust in Jesus?”

Now, don’t get me wrong. Moral behavior is important for a Christian. If we don’t love our neighbor, we are showing that we don’t really trust in Jesus, and such. And people of no faith or other faiths can be very caring, compassionate, loving people. But, we are not being compared to each other. We are being compared to Jesus.

If Jesus is who he says he is, and did what the Bible says he did, then our only hope is to be connected to him. Our good works, as it were, will not cut it with God. We are being judged according to the model of the perfect Jesus. So, all people need him to live with him forever.

Also, if Jesus did what is claimed about him, if it’s true, then someone who has heard his story and been invited to follow him and rejects him, well, that is not a “good” person. If it’s true, the greatest sin of all is to not thank him or trust him.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."