Thursday, September 30, 2004

worship only?

Discipleship is being a student Jesus. Learning from him and following up with what you have learned. So, how can the vast majority of Christians trust in Jesus, but not intend to actually follow him? I don’t think this is a conscious decision. It is almost a given. How did we get here?

The main influence of non-discipleship Christianity is “Sunday morning thinking.” Most Christians believe that attendance is discipleship. “I go to church” is the equivalent of “I am a disciple of Jesus.” They view attending worship as the sum of Christian life instead of being a time for worship in community in the midst of a Christian life. Let’s be honest. Sunday morning worship services alone don’t build up apprentices of Jesus.

When we invite someone who is not a Christian to a worship service, this is a good thing. This is where most potential Christians connect. But, what we want to keep in mind always is we are not simply inviting someone to church, we are inviting them into a life. So, how can we best work this out? Stay tuned.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."