Tuesday, September 21, 2004

we all worship the same God?

So what are some of the designer faith teachings that some add to their Christianity? I’ll look at several. Today, let’s start with a common statement,

“We all worship the same God.”

Well, yes and no. Yes, if you are worshipping a being outside of yourself. There is only one God. But, no, because you aren’t worshipping the same God.

People use the elephant story to try to explain the belief that Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, and so forth all worship the same God. Several blind men discover an elephant and each tries to explain it. One touches the leg and says, “It is like a large tree.” Another grabs the trunk and says, “No, it is like a snake.” Another grabs the tail and says, “No, it is like a big broom.”

You see, all of them are explaining the same elephant from a different perspective. Now, this is a clever story, but it breaks down because Christianity explains that elephant in reality. Ken Samples and Fuz Rana from Reasons to Believe say it well.

‘A more accurate story about God is this. In the Christian view of God, Jesus heals the blind men and they can clearly see. Or, in the Christian version of this story, the elephant speaks and tells the blind men who he is.’
The Christian claim that God has already revealed himself in Jesus makes other viewpoints unnecessary. If you wish to know about God, look to Jesus. Put Jesus on the table, along with the other views, and then let’s see which is the clearest view of reality. Put it to the test.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."