Saturday, September 11, 2004

I remember

September 11 is a memorable day in my life. It will give a sense of history for the rest of my life. I was a young boy when Kennedy was killed. I remember. I was in junior high when Martin Luther King Jr, and Bobby Kennedy were killed. I remember. I was in high school when the Palestinian terrorists killed the Israeli athletes at the Olympics in Munich. I remember. Then, 3 years ago, today. I remember.

I was at the health club riding an exercise bike watching the news when the second jet hit the next tower. I thought that was a replay of the first. No replay.

So, what have I learned? Everyone has a point of view. Everyone has guiding principles to their lives. When people act on those principles, it may be for good or for evil. Some of these principles may be sourced in sacred books. Some may be fostered by an examination of the natural world. Some may be based on how someone feels at a given moment. None of this is neutral. None of this can be ignored. What we are left with is to try to figure out which principles have the best view of reality. Which principles are based on the strongest evidence. Then one needs to decide if one wishes to follow these or that which is less clear.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."