Saturday, September 04, 2004

"extremist" christianity? part two

When talking about the lack of extremism in the name of Jesus, I am sometimes asked, "What about murdering abortion clinic doctors? That's pretty extreme."

There is no authority for a Christian to “take the law into your own hands.” Romans 13, again. There is no biblical support for vigilantism. Christians are invited to participate in law enforcement, the military, or the legal system, however there is no authority given by Jesus to set up “Christian” law enforcement or a “Christian” court system or a “Christian” army.” “Onward Christian Soldiers” is a metaphor.

This explains why a Christian is not following Christ or the guidelines of the Bible to murder an “abortion” provider, even if they believe abortion is murder. 99.999999% of those who call themselves Christians already understand this. The number of murders (FBI statistics) of “abortion” doctors or related staff in the United States since 1973 (Roe vs. Wade), is seven. Now I don’t know the background of all the perpetrators or those awful crimes, but if they all identified themselves as “Christian”, this is as “extreme” as those who call themselves Christian get, and they weren’t following Christ in the first place.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."