Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Jesus or many ways?

The local Episcopal bishop here in LA thinks that you can be saved in ways other than through Jesus. Many people who identify as, “Christian,” think the same way. How can that be? How can you be a Christian and a “pluralist,” which is a another way of saying, “a person who believes many paths lead to salvation?”

If you don’t need Jesus then you either can save yourself or you are saved by another. If you can save yourself, than why do you need Jesus? Why don’t you just save yourself? If you say you can’t then how can anyone else because they are a sinful human being just like you?

If you are saved by another, then Jesus is not the Savior. If he isn’t the Savior why are you saying he is? If you say he is just the Savior for you then here we go again…

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."