Sunday, September 19, 2004

where do taboos come from?

Why do human beings throughout history have taboos against certain behaviors? Whether thousands of years ago or modern times, whether in remote jungles or urban areas, there are certain behaviors that are universally condemned. How is it that humans have a conscience?

What are some of these behaviors that are condemned and punished? Examples:

  • torturing children for pleasure
  • incest
  • rape

The Darwinian evolution model doesn’t have any mechanism to explain these moral codes. There is something much greater than the brain going on here.

Whether you call it a "soul" or "conscience" or anything else, it is not simply brain connections. It is given to us from the outside. The evidence is some caring, intelligent, outside agent has given us this ability to know certain things are wrong. I call this agent, "God."

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."