Wednesday, May 10, 2006

piling on?

Well, it happened as predicted. I blogged March 28th and 29th about the Christian youth rally in San Francisco that was opposed by the city board of supervisors. State Assemblyman Mark Leno, said, concerning the Christian youth, “They’re loud, they’re obnoxious, they’re disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco.” He later realized he may have been a bit over the top and apologized for the hyperbole. “Not one of my prouder moments,” he said.

I wrote this on the 29th,

For publicity purposes, it is not lost on me that the organizers of the event staged a rally on the city hall steps of San Francisco which had advocated same sex marriages at an earlier date. While they were there, their message wasn’t about homosexuality, same sex marriage, or the like. Looking at their website, and hearing reports from their events, this is not even an emphasized agenda item. I have to say, Battle Cry did this on purpose. I think they are right in getting their word out. I think they are wrong in knowingly providing opportunities for those who disagree with them to look foolish. Again, I go back to one of my favorite sayings, “Do you want to be right or do you want to be helpful?”

Well, sure enough, what I was hoping would not happen, happened. I received a flyer with “THEY’RE LOUD, THEY’RE OBNOXIOUS...” The same quote in all capital letters. The back of the flyer says this.


“This year in San Francisco we created quite the scene. We’re excited to let you know we are coming back next year.”

The message of the Teen Mania Ministry is one of hope, compassion, and obedience to God’s Word. It is not intolerant or spiteful. So why the publicity stunt behavior? 23,000 seats have already been sold for next years March event. I am sure they will sell out. Why continue to make the city of San Francisco or someone like Mark Leno look foolish? He did acknowledge his foolishness and it isn’t really that necessary to let the world know there is an anti-Christian bias that is alive and well in America. I am not totally saying this publicity is wrong but I am asking the question is this piling on? What do you think?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."