Thursday, May 04, 2006

immigration and standards of critcism

If we are a global community, which is the primary filter of the world for some people, than if we criticize the actions of individual countries, we would logically focus our attention on the worst offenders. The best stewardship of time, focus, and resources would start with the worst violators and work backwards to the least. By this criteria, whether it is real human rights violations, giving to the needy (public money/ private money), and other judgments, you would rarely get to the USA. Other countries are generally so much worse in so many more arenas that we would spend most of our time addressing their actions.

If we are a collection of sovereign nations, then we can individually hold up higher standards than the rest. We can be self-critical. We do this all the time. The piddling human rights violations such as prison abuse in American institutions pales in comparison to many of the countries in the rest of the world. Yet, as many of our own citizens hold the US to a zero tolerance standard we must always be critical of our country. Without actually expressing this, logically, the reason our own citizens would criticize our country so much is we think we should be different because we are so much better. They would never say this, but it is intellectually honest.

Other countries may not hold themselves to those same standards, may not be as self-critical and so the world media only reports on those who hold themselves to the highest benchmarks, and as a result, of course we appear to be the worse violators as we are doing the most criticizing of ourselves. The immigration issue is certainly one such situation.

Do you know of any country in the world that has more open borders and gives more aid to people who are present, even if they are here illegally? Please e mail me with a link to information about other countries that have looser or more generous standards than the US

Currently the United States is criticized for seeking to secure her borders and address the expenditure of resources for people who are here illegally in education, medical help, and government assistance. This is all we hear about in this present time. What about another country like, say, Mexico? Well, we can know this information as Mexico has a southern border with Guatemala and Belize.

For example, 200,000 Guatemalans who entered Mexico illegally were sent back last year. In order to receive government assistance or attend school in Mexico, you must show proof of citizenship with a birth certificate. To receive medical attention, you must have the proper funds. To be in Mexico without proper credentials is a felony. I guess the standards set by the USA are so much higher and that is why you may not even have been aware how restrictive it is in Mexico.

Continued tomorrow…

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."