Thursday, June 01, 2006


What gets you excited lately? What is worth getting out of bed in the morning? What is God up to in your world today? For some people, it is hard to think about these things because they are in so much physical pain. I just heard a sobering statistic. 25% of American adults are on some form of pain medication on a regular basis. Taking Advil once in a while for my arthritis in the knees I can relate; but ongoing? What is going on?

There are one hundred reasons for this, but consider. We have some of the finest medical care in the world and yet so many of us are sick or in pain. I am sure being overweight has a lot to do with the pain issues which affects back and joints so directly, but isn’t it fascinating that we have such a pain focused culture?

Let’s pray for each other for relief of pain for those in need. Those who live in constant pain and those who are family and friends of those suffering. Extra care and grace are helpful. Pray for the warmth of the Holy Spirit to fill those in pain with soothing relief.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."