Wednesday, June 07, 2006


When you consider the evidence for the accuracy of the Bible and the reasonability of the teachings of the Christian faith compared to reality, there is room left for doubt in some of the details, but not in the over all claims. Not if you use normal academic standards for historical evidence. One can doubt anything about Jesus and the early church, including that Jesus existed at all, but that would put you in a category of eccentric, not skeptic. A conspiracy theorist; not a critical scholar.

I have seldom read anything questioning Jesus and the Christian claims that does not also have a political agenda attached to it. Reversely, those who trust in the truth of Jesus and the authenticity of the evidence generally agree on the essentials but may disagree about everything else, especially when it comes to an agenda of some sort, political or otherwise.

Where else do you find people who are in as wide apart a spectrum politically agreeing on something they claim is core to their life? Well, sports fans and Christians for starters.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."