Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Christian Right?

I suppose Christianity gets criticized a lot because it is the dominant world religion. You are going to see exaggerated figures for Islam, due to lack of research specifics. The most accurate figures come from Philip Jenkins, Penn State University. His classic on-line resource is this article from Atlantic Magazine.

Currently, the approximate stats are about 1/3 of the world identifies themselves as Christians and half of that, or 1/6, identifies as Muslim. Both groups are growing rapidly, in the East and South. So, what does this all mean?

Bashing Christians is not politically incorrect; in fact it is encouraged if you just add the words, “right wing” to it. Most of what is labeled “right wing Christian,” is actually just normal Christian faith. To see the difference the media makes in their understanding of Christianity I googled “Christian Right,” and “Christian Left,” and here are the results.

Christian Right (exact phrase on the web) 3.2 million hits
Christian Left (exact…) 145,000 hits

Enough said.

Tomorrow. Are all “Christian Right” teachings “normal?”

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."