Sunday, June 01, 2008

an open confession

OK, so here is the story. I have always considered this a teaching blog. It was not meant to build a community. I have a large audience which gets this in e mail form, rather than having to check out the blog. 

I have always responded to everyone's e mails when you write, but the gist is, I didn't want to create a community where people who have way too much time on their hands comment in a pithy, sarcastic or crude way about what is dear to me. 


I love him more than I do my mother. And I love her a lot. So if you are going after Jesus it is a bit like you going after my mother. 

More confession. 

I was already prejudiced against the blogger community because I read the anti-Christian blogs and blog comments. Believe me, I was not bothered by this because I didn't consider myself up to the task of going Fight Club on you. Actually, I was always rather disappointed by the intellectual competition. So, now you have arrogance on my part, to add to the mix.

At least I was smart enough to stay out of the fray until I got a better attitude about bloggers. I do actually want to connect through comments. Lucky for you, right?

No more no comments. 

My webmaster Rob, has been bugging me to add the "comments" feature for a couple of years now and I finally agreed. 

He is right; I was wrong. 

So comment. Send this link to your friends. Go ahead. I will not disappoint.

And by the way, I am even on Facebook now.

"Ohh, he is really getting out there..."

And another by the way...Carlos, you closed the deal. 

folks check out

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."