Wednesday, June 04, 2008

no manipulation

1 Corinithians 5:8
So let us celebrate the festival, not with the old bread
of wickedness and evil, but with the new bread of sincerity and truth.

Jesus calls himself the “bread of life.” His bread is truth. God doesn’t lie. Sincerity is his way. He never tries to be what he is not and he never tries to manipulate people. I like the way of Jesus better. What else is there, really? You know any other way isn’t going to work. It hasn’t so far, has it? 

Do you try to manipulate by being aggressive (in-your-face) or by withdrawing (moping)? Consider an alternative way to get your point across.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I came from an alcoholic dysfunctional family. I was a
Social Work Major and I learned a lot about being assertive. I decided it was time to stand up for myself.

But I truly took being assertive way too far. I did not realize it but I was in-your -face. My attittude was: "No one was going to mess with me." I did not realzie I was at times rude. I was proud that I was taking things head on.

But as time went on I realized, as I did this, I was not trusting God. I did not trust God to defend me and protect me. I did not give God a chance to do that because I was right there to fight the fight.

Yes I still speak up about things. I still do things that make my young adult kids roll their eyes.

I also now pause and leave things to God to take care of. I am learning I can trust Jesus to act on my behalf. I am even learning that He is in always in charge I can wait upon Him. Whatever yuck life throws at me, He will use it for good. WOW, What a truth.

And you know what all my in your face attitude never got me very far. But doing it Jesus's way--WOW--you start to see miracles.

Trusting Jesus who has changed my life,

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."