Wednesday, March 15, 2006

not amazing

The people of the world are supposed to be genetically predisposed for self-preservation, or as some Darwinists call it, they live by their “selfish gene,” yet so many reach out to help their neighbor in need. This happens way more than a Darwinist is willing to acknowledge, and philosophically, I would argue it is the result of people responding to their God-designed conscience. Most world religions also recognize this, and have “care for those in need” as an important part of their faith practice.

But, apparently not rock stars or multibillionaires.

Rev. David Beckmann, president of Bread for the World, a Christian advocacy group for justice and poverty issues had this to say recently.

Help in reducing poverty and hunger worldwide has come from an unlikely source -- celebrities such as Bono, the Irish rock star from the group U-2, and Bill and Melinda Gates of the Gates Foundation, Beckmann said. "God has sent us a prophet that wears sunglasses," he said of Bono, adding that the singer's high-profile appearances on behalf of the impoverished and people living with hunger have been a "powerful help." "Bono and the Gates' are making a difference in the world about hunger and poverty. Who would have guessed that God would have sent rock stars and the megarich on these issues? These are gifts from God," Beckmann said.

Why is this so amazing? I guess entertainment industry people and the super wealthy have no idea what is going on in the world and if they do they are selfish as can be, but Bono and the Gates are exceptions. More power to them. Hopefully the rest of their peers and colleagues will see the light, as well.

In the meantime I will continue to work with a vast number of people who continue to make progress in giving their lives for the sake of others. They aren’t rock stars or multibillionaires. They are just normal disciples of Jesus. Their self-giving love isn’t amazing; it is expected.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."