Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Tiger Woods took off for several weeks from competitive golf, and then he promptly won the first tournament he entered, the Buick Invitational, this last Sunday. Tiger is so focused on winning that no one is shocked by his domination of the golf world.

Roger Federer continues to dominate the tennis world. After winning the Australian Open last week, he has a shot at winning more Grand Slam tournaments than Pete Sampras, whose many records were thought untouchable. Federer is already (7 wins) halfway there to Sampras (14), and he is only 24 years old.

While these two guys are playing two different sports they have two things in common. Intense focus and intense workouts. Woods and Federer have a mental intensity not shared by their peers and they work as hard as anyone on their games. What about us?

Winning golf or tennis tournaments is one thing. What about doing God’s work in expanding his Kingdom and giving yourself to be a blessing and influence on others? What about becoming a world class self-giving disciple? Who is going to have more eternal impact, Tiger, Roger, or you?

Learn from them. Intense focus is giving your life to learn more and more from Jesus in any way you can and applying it now. It takes the hard work of study, prayer, being accountable to other Christians, giving generously of your time and possessions to do the mission you are called to do.

When you give your life to Jesus do you give your life to Jesus?

What would the influence of God’s people for the good of the world look like if we served with the intensity and work ethic of Woods and Federer?

Do you have any interest in finding out?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."