Wednesday, February 22, 2006

because of him

Well if you guessed “Jesus” in response to yesterday’s question, you are correct. There is hope in Jesus when all else seems hopeless. You take a group of men from some unbelievable situations who make unbelievably bad choices that cause an unbelievable amount of harm and then you let them know you believe in them under the power of Jesus who believes in them, watch what happens.

Transformation right in front of your eyes. The guards say they are very pleased when an Epiphany team comes into the prison. It changes the whole atmosphere. Well, that’s Jesus. They let Christians in to spread his love.

Now they don’t send teams of strict Darwinian biologists into prison to tell the wards that they have been genetically and biologically pre-wired to commit awful crimes and then dialogue about that for awhile. This is just who you are and we lock you up to protect society from you and protect you from yourself.

I am not aware of any atheist teams that come in and say just stop the cycle of violence, robbery, burglary, rape, drug and alcohol abuse, because it is not good for you. Make better choices, why don’t you?

When people authentically work for Jesus, Jesus works. Always has; always will. When you honestly examine where Jesus has worked through his followers, you see new life. I have much hope for my friends from CYA. Not because of whom they are, though they are pretty remarkable young men, but because of whom He is.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."