Wednesday, November 03, 2004

love is...

We have a working definition for the word, “good.”

“That which God desires.”

Now, let’s consider the word, “love.” I think one of the greatest misinterpretations of language today is the definition of the word “love.”

A proper definition for love is to “will the good of the other.” So we make choices in our relationships that help others move in the direction of what God desires. We want what God wants for people and we act upon it.

This isn’t the common definition for “love” today. “Love” is not working to help others receive what God desires for them. Instead, “love” becomes working to help others receive what they want. Not helping someone fulfill God’s desires but instead helping someone fulfill his/her own desires.

So if loving someone is to accept them as a fellow human being and approve of their desires, then we are in total contradiction with the Bible and common sense.

The Bible is clear from beginning to end that if we follow our desires and our passions, “flesh”, or “nature” as it is called, we are in for a heap of trouble. Because we are sinful human beings, when we become our own measure for what is right and what is wrong, get ready for destruction. We are not good judges.

Common sense tells us that there are many things that we desire but they aren’t healthy. In fact, there are many things you don’t need the Bible to tell you about as far as what’s healthy and what’s not. Your God-given conscience left unmanipulated will tell you the same thing.

To encourage someone to live in an unhealthy way because they desire to make unwise choices is not an act of love. It is promoting deception which is not in God’s category but in someone elses (John 8:44).

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."