Friday, November 12, 2004

are Christians hypocrites?

Christians are hypocrites. What does this mean? Hypocrisy is believing one way, and acting another. A classic case would be a lung cancer specialist who is a chain smoker. So, where is Christian hypocrisy? There is none. The Christian faith cannot be called hypocritical. The life style of individuals who call themselves, “Christian,” needs to be examined.

When I say, “Contempt is sinful,” and then you catch me being contemptuous, you have a right to say, “You are sinning.” My response would have to be, “Yes, I am.” The proper solution for the situation is to confess my sin of contempt and intend to not be contemptuous in the future. This is a classic Christian response. There is no hypocrisy involved.

The Afrikaners in apartheid South Africa had a hypocrisy problem. Many Afrikaners considered themselves, “Christian,” though they purposely worked against people of different races. They were not responding to the black South Africans behavior, just the simple condition of their skin color. The Afrikaners would use Bible passages to support their view, though there is no support for this racial oppression in the Bible. So, when you called the Afrikaners who considered themselves “Christian”, “hypocrites,” you were correct.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."