Sunday, November 14, 2004

does Christianity influence the behavior of Americans?

Does Christianity have a general influence on Americans? I'm not talking actual Christian's behavior, just the general climate of the country. Here is an interesting observation. Since the attack on the United States on September 11th one of the untold stories is the remarkable restraint of American citizens to lash out at citizens of Muslim background. “Religionism” a real problem amongst all cultures and the USA is not excluded from this disorder. But what are the actual statistics? In 2002, FBI stats for incidents of “hate” crime, there were only 66 incidents of verbal harassment, and 34 of aggravated or simple assault against Muslims. No murder. That is 100 incidents total. In comparison there were over 900 total incidents against Jews.

Now, any harassment or assault is uncalled for, but with a country our size, over 270 million non-Muslims, and the gravity of the atmosphere ripe for “religionism,” the lack of sinful acts against Muslims is astounding.

Compare this to the response currently in The Netherlands (a favorite model of "tolerance") where there has already been over a dozen attacks and burnings of mosques in response to the horrible murder by an Islamic extremist of moviemaker, Theo Van Gogh. All this in the last two weeks. In a country of only 15 million non-Muslims.

Conclusion? One crime of revenge is one too many. At the same time, Americans continue to be unbelievably civil in a society much criticized for “intolerance.”

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."