Monday, November 29, 2004

the "evolution" debate

Throughout the country, there is a debate going on just under the surface. It is about the methods of teaching science. The debate centers on the theory of evolution. This is a hot button issue that will not go away. This week I will try to bring some clarity to the various issues surrounding this topic.

First, let’s look at the word “evolution.” It simply means, “change.”

“Darwinian” evolution properly refers to the theory that all of life grew out of a single cell through a random, undirected process of natural selection and genetic mutation.

“natural selection”- the healthiest life forms survive while the less healthy die off. The traits that make an organism more likely to survive remain, while the less helpful traits decline.

“Genetic mutation”- An error in DNA replication that results in possible physical changes in an organism.

There is no question in the scientific community that things change. There is a debate in the scientific community whether Darwinian evolution is the correct process for change.

A statement that is often used by supporters of a Darwinian model-

“No scientist alive questions evolution.”

True statement if you mean “change” as your definition for “evolution.”
False statement if you mean “Darwinian evolution” as your definition. Many scientists express their doubts about the Darwinian model as being adequate to explain the origin of life and change of organisms. What is there to doubt? Tomorrow we will see.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."