Sunday, November 07, 2004

come together for support

We have two Labrador retrievers, Dudley and Sarai. They play together, but not much. They lie around outside on separate beds and dream large chunks of time away. Until it gets cold. When the temperature hits in the 40’s and they are lying around, they can be found next to each other. Not as much companionship but they need each other for warmth.

When people need each other, it’s the same way. Pretty much independent and minding our own business but when times get a little uncomfortable, we find ourselves coming together for support. Well, don’t wait for a crisis.

Huddle on a regular basis with one or two or three friends whom you can connect with. Get even bolder and ask to pray for each other during the week. Get unbelievably intimate and talk about personal struggles that are keeping you from being your best, true self. Hold each other accountable for making progress on these struggles. If you aren’t careful, you may have just started a small group.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."