Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Christians are different

I came across this article yesterday. The media has such a hard time understanding Christianity, I thought I would highlight this reasonable attempt to explain some things about Christians. You cannot take the “cookie-cutter” approach. Here are some examples.

You could make a principled case for voting for President Bush using Christian values. You could make a principled case voting for Senator Kerry using Christian values. Not because they themselves are Christian, as I have talked about in earlier blogs, but because of their positions. To take this even further, some “conservative” Christians voted for Senator Kerry, and some “liberal” Christians voted for President Bush. How could that be? One brief example for each.

The Bible takes a strong view of caring for the natural world as a responsibility given to us from God (e.g. Genesis 2:15). “Conservative” Christians who focus on environmental issues may have voted for Senator Kerry because they thought he would be a better leader on environmental issues.

The Bible takes a strong view on the sacredness of human life (e.g. Psalm 139:13-16). “Liberal” Christians who view abortion as taking a human life as opposed to protecting a mother’s privacy and focus on this issue may have voted for President Bush.

Christians can be fairly complex creatures.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."