Tuesday, November 15, 2005

no special awards necessary

I get nothing from God if you are influenced by me to become a Christian. There is no reward or bounty. I don’t get any extra “credits” in life blessings. No special “he reached (fill in the number) section” in heaven. Nothing.

I get no special prestige if you come to Christ. There is no thermometer poster in my church with my name on it so you can see how many people I can influence. There are no gold stars.

No, the only thing I receive when I have an impact on you for your faith in Jesus is satisfaction and joy. I will admit I am pleased to have you as a brother or sister in Christ. It is a blessing to me when you are blessed. I will also admit it makes my world a better place to live. Growing disciples of Jesus are people who are getting healthier and healthier. Notice, I didn’t say, “Christians are healthier.” There is a distinct difference between disciple and Christian.

A “disciple” is someone who is learning from Jesus and acting upon that learning. An apprentice. A “Christian” is someone who says they believe in Jesus. A self-identifying label, but not an assumption that one is living what they believe. God’s desire is that all people on earth become disciples. Jesus said it this way.

…go and make disciples of all the nations… (Matthew 28:19)

As we saw in yesterday’s post, the Christian faith is called, “The Way.” This indicates that you are actually following a direction and moving ahead. As more and more people discover that way, don’t be surprised if you aren’t blessed, as well. It is God’s plan.


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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."