Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I know someone

I attended a lecture at California Lutheran University yesterday. Brian Greene, author of The Fabric of the Cosmos and The Elegant Universe was the guest speaker. Dr. Greene is the science celebrity now, the Carl Sagan of our day. In other words, he’s been on Letterman and Leno.

The talk was hilarious and insightful. Greene makes physics fun. His area of expertise is string theory. I have studied this for a while now, and am fascinated by considering the possibility of extra dimensions existing. Just one example, one of the wild ideas that Greene says in highly unlikely but not impossible is to walk through a wall. I know someone who did that. Someone who can create dimensions and who can operate in no dimension at all. His name is Jesus.

Greene also talked about 20 mathematical equations that explain physics as we know it. These 20 equations are rigorously tested and keep coming up absolutely correct. How can everything in the universe be designed so specifically down to that exact detail? I know someone who is that brilliant. He could formulate equations in such intricacy. His name is Jesus.

Funny how his name didn’t come up in the Q and A of a Christian University crowd. That’s OK. It was a science lecture and not a philosophy class. The evidence was clearly stated. Showing the possibilities of amazing design on the cosmic scale and the quantum scale was quite enough. My hunch is everyone in the audience some way or another was thinking the same thing. This stuff sounds awfully familiar. Could the one who put this all together be…God?


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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."