Wednesday, September 06, 2006

why the difference?

Remember my fondness for looking at the math? (last mention August 17) Must have something to do with being married to a math teacher. Here is some new math for you to think about.

The latest Palestinian Infintada began in 2000. In that time period approximately 1400 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces, the vast majority young men who happen to be Muslim, 18-24. The news media’s emphasis is focused way more on Palestinian casualties and Israeli culpability. Let’s just be honest about that before I continue.

Now in an identical time period, two years, in Dafur, Sudan. Approximately 140,000 Dafur residents, or 1000% more deaths, have been killed by Sudanese government military forces. This does not include another 260,000 who have died through forced starvation, disease, etc. impacted by the events. Let’s just stick with military casualties.

In the case of Sudan, their government is made up of Arab Muslims, so they basically have killed 140,000 fellow Muslims of all ages and sex, though racially, the Dafur residents are black.

It is primarily only through the efforts of Christian organizations that this has been brought to the attention of the world. The mainstream news media has not emphasized it whatsoever.

So why the difference?

Could it be anti-Semitism in journalism circles that brings an overemphasis on what is going on with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the way it is being reported?

Could it be racism in those same circles that brings an under emphasis on the Dafur conflict?

What do you think?

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."