Tuesday, September 19, 2006

day 3- seeing is believing?

Did you know there is no such thing as “science”? There are many different fields called “sciences” but there is no theory that wraps them all together. Though there are some scientists who make claims for a “theory of everything,” no one has come close.

Did you know that according to science, about 96% of the universe is composed of two things that astrophysicists label “dark matter” and “dark energy”? We know they are there but we can’t see them or directly measure them. In other words only about 4% of what most astrophysicists trust exists can be observed and directly measured. The other 96% is assumed based on evidence of its effect. It appears that the vast majority of existence is considered reality through trust based on evidence. Trust based on evidence. Does that sound familiar? It should. This is a good definition of faith!

What if God is real? What if God is the creator of all reality? Then if the sciences are considered our ultimate guide to all of existence we miss out on the very center of life, God himself, in the sciences. God is not physical, yet I would argue God exists. If God exists then there are spiritual dimensions to our lives that are not physical but they are real. If God is real then an education based on the sciences alone would miss out on the most important information of all. Knowledge of God would be absolutely essential. Without thinking about God, in a way, we would be uneducated.

Now, I am not advocating teaching about God in a science class. I am advocating talking about spiritual matters in other classes, if possible. Certainly as a parent, I make sure that happens in my home. Why would I want our children to ignore the most important wisdom of all, if there does happen to be a God?

How can we have any knowledge of God if we can’t see him?

We don’t seem to have trouble claiming knowledge of a lot of stuff we can’t see. Like, maybe, 96% of everything?

Today think of how many things you can that you trust are true and real but you can’t know them through your five senses.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."