Friday, December 23, 2005

speaking of Dover

Speaking of Dover, Pennsylvania, the day the court decision was handed down, I received an invitation to teach a weekend Why God? Conference in… Dover, Pennsylvania. The high school students will have a chance to explore the amazing wonders of the natural world from the macro to the micro. They will be able to examine the solid evidence for natural selection and ask questions about development that natural selection isn’t equipped to answer.

As I have stated, I don’t agree with having mandated instructions to science teachers to introduce students to some of the aspects of Intelligent Design. I do advocate looking at strengths and challenges to any scientific theory. According to the latest court ruling, this won’t happen in Dover. High School students there will be able to discuss strengths and challenges to Darwinian evolution. It just won’t be in school.

“Mom, can I have some money to go to a conference where I can freely talk about scientific theories? No, it’s not at school. It’s at church….”

Have a blessed Christmas!

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."