Wednesday, June 08, 2005

what are you waiting for?

What if you could actually learn to be answerable to Jesus? Throughout our adult life it seems we are always beholden to someone. Our boss at work, or our employees if we are the boss. Our spouse and children if we have them. All of these various individuals command our attention either directly or indirectly. What happens when we get to the point where we don’t have the work responsibilities, we worry about our children but we don’t have day-to-day involvement, and we learn to “dance” with our spouses without stepping on their toes too often?

It’s time to get serious about the Lord.

Think of Abraham, well into his 90’s before he even gets started. Think of Moses, whom we are told began confronting Pharaoh only after “years had passed.” Their God connection didn’t blossom until late in life.

Jesus is waiting patiently until he can command our attention. If we aren’t focused on him with everything we are he will not usually intervene. Jesus would prefer to be Lord of our lives always, and we have the chance to start really living the God-immersed life at any age. For some of us it just might be that last third. If this is the case then the last third would be the time where we are living the Kingdom life for the first time.

Is it going to take a burning bush (Exodus 3:1) or a call to leave Haran (Genesis 12:1)? Or is it going to take some time to do a little inventory? If you are not in the “retirement” mode what are you waiting for? If you are in that third period then let’s get started.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."