Friday, June 10, 2005

thoughts from the poolside

I spent the day with a group of 8 church leaders from various locations in southern California. We met at Charlie’s house, sat around the pool and talked about how we could most effectively be used by Jesus to invite others to live in the reality of his Kingdom now.

The Bible talks a bit about the “lost” and we wondered what that term might mean today. Are the lost those who haven’t discovered what God has in store for them? Actually living the life he designed them to live? Then, I dare say, there is a bit of “lostness” in us all. In this context, the most “lost” would be those who don’t realize they are lost.

If you trust in Jesus and are finding ways to learn from him by being immersed in the Bible, conversing with God, conversing with other disciples, giving your money to support his mission, and giving yourself away to others, that’s a start. Discipleship is a way of life, isn’t it?

What was strange about yesterday is it was just a glimpse of what disciples do. Here was a group of people BBQing (carne asada, of course), jacuzziing, talking and listening, all for the sake of trying to make progress in helping others make decisions in their lives that would have eternal significance. Will someone get to love Jesus and join with him in his Kingdom, in part because of yesterday? I have no doubt. Why is this so strange?

I wonder if there are other people who haven’t discovered living with Jesus yet, who are spending the day trying to figure out ways they can be used to be a benefit for others? Sure. In a way that profits are not involved? Ah, sure.

I wonder are other people meeting together poolside on a southern California day who don’t know Jesus but are trying to figure out ways they can give themselves away for the sake of others and do whatever it takes to make a difference?


If you aren’t a Christian disciple are you pouring your life out for me? See, you will never know what I am willing to do for you. You might think you know what “Christians” are all about, especially Christians who actually believe the Bible, believe that Jesus is the way to eternal life with God, and people who believe in you. You might try to dismiss me as the “Christian right” or Christian left,” or an “extremist,” or “out of the mainstream,” but my hunch is you have no idea who I am or why I spend almost every moment of my life in one way or another living for you.

You might dismiss me and say I am dedicating my life for you so I will get blessed by God, but then you would be clearly showing you don’t have any idea who I am. God blesses me the same way he blesses you. By giving us life and everything we have and by making it possible for us to live in his Kingdom now. He gives this freely, with no strings attached, and all we can do, you and I, is realize God loves us so much and wants us to join with him in his mission to reach out in love to others.

Please think deeply about this. I am thinking deeply about you.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."