Friday, June 03, 2005

trust and the stranger

Taking someone into your confidence is a trust issue. I have not lived anywhere else but the US, but I would guess it must seem strange to people from other countries as to how open some Americans are to let anyone know of their struggles and challenges. You are apt to meet a complete stranger who will immediately tell you all about the disasters of his/ her marriage, struggles at work, and other private concerns.

I know this is partially an American phenomenon as we witness in the popularity of our “reality” shows. Shows like Survivor, The Bachelor, or Nanny 911 are kind of weird when you think about it. Watch me at my best. Watch me at my worst. But watch me.

What gives with this whole reality theme? It has to be more than simply making a buck or becoming famous for a while. Is it a pleasurable experience taking millions of people into your confidence?

Or is it simply wanting to gain a sense that I am alive and I count for something?

There is another way and another One whom you can open up to.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."