Wednesday, February 02, 2005

can I ask for forgiveness of the sins of others?

I posted yesterday that Jesus never apologized for anything. Of course, the reason he never did might have something to do with the fact that he never wronged anyone. But, there were certainly people who were offended by Jesus. He didn’t find it necessary to apologize for causing offense to be taken. And another thing Jesus didn’t do. He didn’t apologize for the “feelings” of the lepers, tax collectors, Gentiles, and all others that were ostracized by his Jewish community. He reached out to the outcasts, but he didn’t give an apology for the way they were treated. He didn’t ask for their forgiveness for the actions of his fellow Jews.

Which brings us to Christianity. It is not my place to ask for forgiveness from the work of some people in the name of Jesus. Yes, there were preachers who supported slavery, for instance. They were wrong. There is no mandate of slavery in the Bible. Slavery was an economic reality of biblical times, but it was not commanded by God. God did not condemn those who would free slaves. Ultimately, it was Christians who brought abolition of slavery into the world. As a Christian, I simply side with those abolitionists.

I am responsible for my sins. I seek forgiveness from God and those I have wronged. But, I cannot ask for forgiveness for the sins of others, only my own. Now, Jesus could ask for forgiveness for the sins of others. He did it once. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In fact, he did more than that. He took all sin of all people upon himself. “Father forgive them.” That’s why we call him “Savior.”

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."