Thursday, December 16, 2004

what's the big deal?

I have posted about Antony Flew’s “conversion” from atheism to theism. It is not that unusual for this to happen with the scholastically minded (at least honest, seeking scholars), as the origin of life question is not being satisfactorily answered by Darwinian evolution. Getting something out of nothing and getting life from non-life is becoming more difficult to explain in any other way but a super-intelligent creative agent.

But what makes Flew’s conversion newsworthy is, of course, his stature. I have explained it this way, it is like Michael Moore becoming campaign manager for George W. Bush. Don’t take the analogy too far, however, as Flew has had a gracious relationship with the theist’s he has debated over the years. An exclusive interview of Flew by prominent Christian philosopher Dr. Gary Habermas is available online. This is the first major piece since Flew’s announcement, to be published in “Philisophia Christi.” Take a look.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."