Tuesday, December 28, 2004

a public Merry Christmas?

I posted earlier about Christmas in the public arena. Let me give an observation that I think is important to note in general. It has to do with issues of faith and values and demographics.

Philip Jenkins in the book, The Next Christianity, speaks of the rapid explosion of Christian faith in the global east and south. The immigrant population coming to America is mainly from these areas. As a result, most immigrants today are Christian. This trend will continue. The types of Christianity most represented in these immigrant groups are traditional Roman Catholic and Pentecostal-influenced Protestant. These groups tend to be quite “traditional” in their morals and values. Joined with existing Americans from these areas, as well as a “traditional,” in many ways, African-American population, America is likely to look far different than many would predict. Obviously, there are large exceptions to cultural generalizations, but I would predict that now and in the years ahead, let’s just say I would be shocked if our nation is leaning left anytime soon.

What does this have to do with Christmas in the public arena? I will give you powerful, yet totally subjective and anecdotal evidence that something is afoot. Shopping and getting the typical “Happy Holidays” from employees is the norm this time of year. Except if your store clerk is Latino/a, Asian, or African-American, which he/she is in many cases in my community. Then you are just as likely to hear, “Merry Christmas.” I can’t think of a time I heard that phrase more often. Interesting development…

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."