Monday, December 20, 2004

reaching out in the name of Jesus

Christianity is a religion built on a relationship between the believer and Jesus. This is a relationship strengthened in community with other Christians. We gather in these communities throughout the world. The purpose of our communities is to make disciples (followers of Jesus) out of all people groups everywhere. They are to join us in this same task and privilege. Now, we are not alone in this process.

Jesus said he will send his Spirit to empower us and guide us. And the potential believer is not alone. The same Spirit prepares the potential believer to hear the good news of Jesus. How? Let me mention two ways.

One way all people are prepared to know Jesus is through their conscience. The Bible says God’s ways are “written on people’s hearts” (Psalm 40:8). When you connect with Jesus, you connect with your best, true self.

Another way people are prepared to know Jesus is through what humans do with their conscience. They develop religions and philosophies to explain the world and their place in it. So, the potential Christian already has been thinking on the truths of Jesus where those truths are reflected. This is why it is helpful for Christians to know the basics of other religions and philosophies so we can witness to what we hold in common.

As we think about this, let’s be clear that Jesus is God revealed to the world. He is not hidden in other worldviews. We do not come to Jesus through other religions or philosophies. It’s not necessary. It’s just that truth is truth and Jesus is the sole source of truth.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."