Sunday, December 19, 2004

the silence is deafening

I am still waiting on the massive news campaign about Antony Flew’s announcement. I’m sure at least pastors are going to make the most of the news that the world’s most prominent atheist is no longer an atheist. I noticed Robert Schuller had two film clips of Flew in this morning’s sermon. Kind of like a before and after picture. Before, not believing in God because believing in God is like a “married bachelor.” God is a contradiction. After believing in God “almost entirely because of the DNA investigations.” Flew uses words like extraordinary and unbelievable when considering design.

So, be prepared to hear much about this in churches around the country for some time. Christmas Eve will have a lot of Flew illustrations. At the same time recognize that you will not hear much more about this from anywhere else.

Now, if the pope had said he no longer believes in Jesus… Oh, I suppose there would be a Nightline, 20/20, or at least a brief report on the Discover channel. We’ll have to wait and see on Professor Flew.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."