Friday, August 11, 2006


With the uncovering of the terrorist plot out of Great Britain, it is once again an example that the Marxist analogy of economics fueling all lashing out by “oppressed” people is not logical in case after case of terrorism coming up. This isn’t as simplistic as rich vs. poor, the West exploiting the poor of the Third World and such. It seems that all the suspects are Brits; some more than one generation.

Once again, if you want to understand why people do what they do, let them tell you. As with other terrorists, both suspects and those convicted, economics is not in their language in any strong emphasis, religious ideology, in particular some form of extreme Islam offshoot group teaching is. This isn’t about economics as much as it is about trying to violently force your thinking upon others. This is not the viewpoint of the vast majority of Muslims in the world, though there is cause for alarm.

Here is where deep thinking is required. In Great Britain, before the events of the last couple of days, there was a survey done by the London Daily Telegraph with a random sample of self-identified British Muslims, where 30% of those surveyed said they totally supported or were sympathetic toward the bombings of the subways and buses in London resulting in the death of 52 innocent people a little over a year ago. This is an amazing statistic that greatly calls into question the viewpoint, often stated but never statistically supported, that those who would kill in the name of Allah are a tiny rare fraction of self-identified Muslims. At least not in England where no matter how you look at it, almost 1/3 is not a tiny rare fraction. What does this mean?

Next week.

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Pastor from LIFEhouse Church in Northridge CA, focusing on the theme, "How To Be A Christian Without Being A Jerk."